Abkhaz Retrieval At Sea
Local virtues don't know how to hear it. It's the ruins of Abaath's fortress, and the castle of Prince Oldenburg. But there's something special - the best hip in Abkhazia in the village of Bzipta.
The Gudauth region is known immediately by several large beach resorts of the country, the country ' s own Gudauta, as well as the New Afon, with its amazing temples and caves, or Muser, with its popular membership among our boarding tourists. In addition, it is in this area that the Temple of the Spaniard of the Bogorodians in Lyong, the Psyrzhin Tower and the region ' s unusual sight, such as the artificial waterfall of the hydrotech complex of the 18th century.
The Sukhum district is one of the central areas in Abkhazia. Here is the capital city of Sukhum, as well as the towns of Gumista, Achadar, Yashthua, the mass of health personnel specializing in pulmonary diseases and the vast number of archaeological sites. The latter include excavations from Escher, the famous Kaman temple, the Belet Bridge and the Orthodox Tomb of St. John Zlatoust.
The Gulrypsh region is ranked second in the country and its capital is considered to be the village of Gulpsh. Here, in the village of Babushara, there is the only airport in the country. Citruses, sand beaches and lakes are the main “Fishes” of this place. There are also many health-care sanatories and health-care centres in the Gulrypsha area, including the first tuberculosis sanatorium on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. Rest in this area will be perfect for Titan fans, families with children or pensioners - there are no bars and clubs, but in the abundance of cozy beaches and celebrity: the Drand Spark of the Bogorodica 6th century, the Great Abkhaz Wall with the Kelasur Tower, the celebrity of the Cybiolium,