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Turkey(Turkey republic) is the State that occupies the Peninsula of Small Asia in two parts of the world, S 779, 5,000 square kilometres, almost all of Turkey is in Asia, and only 3 per cent of the area in Europe.
Turkey ' s population is more than 77 million, ranking 18 in the world. The capital is Ankara, but it is not the largest city in the country. The largest is ancient Istanbul. National composition is fairly uniform, the main ethnic groups include Turks and Kurds. Languages: Turkish (official), Kurdish, Arab. Regions: Sunni Islam; Christianity and Judaism to a small extent. Currency: Turkish Lira. Turkey is a secular State with a republican form of government headed by a President.
The Republic of Turkey is washed by seas: the inner marble, the southern part of the Black, the eastern part of the Egay and Mediterranean. Turkey is an ancient State with a millennium history (which is only one Troy). Numerous architectural monuments and ancient traditions, as well as the beautiful mountains of Anatoly and the marine climate, make it irreplaceable for recreation. Turkey is a mountain country with a large plateau of Central Anatolia. Turkey ' s highest point is a legendary, dead volcano, five thousand Ararat, whose vein has been found at the top. The holy rivers of Tiger and Efrat are beginning in Taurus in the south.
Turkey is the leading exporter of chromite, as well as the leader of the dipped East in iron ore, coal, boiled coal, bauxite, copper, leading steel manufacturer. The main agricultural products are wheat, yap, olives, tobacco. Tourism also brings significant profits to the country.
Turkey is now one of our citizens ' most visited foreign countries.
Turkey ' s nature is diverse and unrepetitive: 4 sea coasts, the Anatoly mountains, which combine forests and dry deserts, allow Turkey to use not only as a beach pearl with clean sea air, but also as a mining mechanic.
Best regions, cities and resorts of Turkey
Turkey ' s vicious and diverse shores offer tourists a great vacation. Tourism is the main component of the country ' s economy, so any recreational resort will offer comfort and many entertainment.
In the southern part of the country, there is a hot Alanya in the middle of high mountains and seas. It's a real tropical paradise. The tourists are waiting for bananas, sand beaches, mandarins, oranges, flowers, one word, heaven.