Пляжный отдых

Flush Rest In Italy

The Italian region of Toscan (at the map) is most commonly associated with the historic triangle of Pisa, Florence, Siena. These once powerful and hostile republics have become the focus of the medieval life in Italy. These republics are gone. However, mountains, seas and the Mediterranean climate remain outside the power of time and humans.


San Remo knows everything. Alasio knows many. The rich tourists have settled here at the beginning of the twentieth century and seem to be long. However, the times when beauty was measured only by the thickness of the wallet: today the Liguri beachs are warmly open to all. UNESCO has included Chinkwe Terre National Park (five lands) in the World Heritage List. This appreciation of Liguri ' s natural and cultural heritage made it even more desirable. Meet me in more detail. Choose your beach and hotel, but... don't slow down.

Пляжи Лигурии

Lazio Plats

The most visited beach cities in the Lacio region: Ancio, Ardeia, Cervetery, Chivitavekja, Fumicino, Formia, Foundations, Gaeta, Itri, Latina, Ladispoli, Mintourno, Montalto de Castro, Notuno, Pomécia-Lido, Ponzáríróló, Santa Mario. As you can see from this long list, a tourist in Lacio has a choice.

Sardinia Island - Beaches

There are more than 250 beaches on Sardinia, with a total length of more than 1,800 km. Not all of them are equally accessible by land. Given the cross-sectional terrain, in a number of cases, walking on a boat or boat is the only option to travel without risk or tiring stroll on the kozy trail to the beach.

Пляж Сперлонги в области Лацио Пляжи Сардинии Пляжи Сицилии Пляжи в регионе Эмилия-Романья
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