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Recreational Forum Feedback From The Toups


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Do you think all tourists write recreational reviews on the resort?
Of course not everyone! And the feedback isn't just the tourists.
Then who?
You want the truth? Let me go.

1. They lead writers who don't like vacations. They're building bad health reviews, psychologically unloading. But that doesn't mean it's real. It is clear to everyone that the withdrawal is always very and very subjective. Depends on many factors. Well... how do you say to someone who's a cheek soup and who's a pearl?

2. In the second place, the so-called " interested " ы owners (or managers) of the facilities and... their competitors. These write both bad and good feedbacks roughly equally (but understand how ы competitors are, ы themselves). It appears that this category will not become leaders today, so tomorrow.

3. In the tail of our rating, tourists write positive feedback. They're the least. It's obvious, because those who liked the rest don't write their reviews in their main mass. They just come to this same place every year with an enviable standing (we know it well). Right, why advertise? The smaller the people у the way they say, more oxygen.

More recently, it has become more difficult and more difficult to choose a recreation board or a healing sanatorium based on such feedback.
The more and more of us write, the more I read the feedback, the more confused, and these hotel reviews just prevent me from choosing the sanatorium... and so on.

And how do you not read hotels, boards, sanatoriums and hotels?
Well, why don't you read it as entertainment and nothing. You just have to remember one thing you're gonna get on vacation, so you're gonna spend it! Learn to see not only bad, but good. And you'll be happy!

No feedback can be obtained, but only without rude, uncensored words, and with the right e-mail address.

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